Reflective Writing: Notes From Rest in Nature


This reflective writing come from the @lalocreativity micro-blog on August 15th, 2022. 

Spent time in nature away from home. 

Taking a day at a time, a week at a time, a moment at a time takes practice. Since writing a post about "One Week at a Time" life has been manifesting all kinds of positive influence and help. 

ā˜‘ Access to what I need, even in an economically challenging season continues to come when I need it most. 

ā˜‘ Although I used to pride myself in managing hard times in life with an independent strength, interdependence has made a more welcoming entrance into my mindfulness and awareness, which allows me to be open to new ideas that might actually be helpful than the ideas I come up with on my own. 

       | Also read: A Note for Single Moms

ā˜‘ I've been more open to opportunities to rest and take a chance reacquainting myself with the healing energy of nature.

ā˜‘ Learning to manage my personal trauma in a way that allows me room to grow, change my perspective and offer healing insights to others has become a daily focus and purpose. 

       | Watch Self-Talk Session: The Value of Intuition

ā˜‘ Working through accepting and living out my truth without adding pressure from others' opinions (well-meaning and sometimes intentionally critical) or self-judgment. 

ā˜‘ Saying less and listening more! Silence is as active as being present than talking, if not more! It's allowing me to accept things as is, without always succumbing to emotional roller-coaster exhaustion. 

       | Also read: Your Emotions Matter

To view another reflective writing prompt, you may also go here

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